Resolución Solidaria de los Partidos Comunistas y Obreros en apoyo a la lucha del Partido Comunista de Cuba


Noticias populares

La desfachatez de los imperialistas encaminada a subvertir el sistema socialista en Cuba se hace más evidente con el decurso del tiempo.

La reciente manifestación antigubernamental en Cuba, es el producto de la persistente campaña anticubana, liderada por EE.UU. durante el largo tiempo, a fin de destruir la Revolución cubana.

Desde el triunfo de la Revolución cubana hasta el día de hoy, EE.UU. jamás ha resignado su obsesión de acabar con la primera nación socialista del hemisferio occidental, aferrándose a la intervención militar, sabotaje, sanción y bloqueo.

Sobre todo, en estos últimos días, se enfrasca a la guerra sicológica conspiradora y perturbación interna, en coordinación con un puñado de elementos contrarrevolucionarios dentro de esta nación caribeña, con la clara intención de alentar el descrédito del Partido Comunista de Cuba y el sistema socialista entre la población cubana e instigar la inestabilidad política.

El hecho nos afirma que la supuesta coexistencia pacífica que tanto pregona EE.UU. no es más que una artimaña para propiciar una Imagen ilusa sobre el capitalismo entre los países antimperialistas e independentistas y, por ende, lograr con facilidad su política agresiva.

La naturaleza del imperialismo no se cambia jamás.

Es preciso evocar la moraleja de la historia que la defensa de las conquistas de la revolución y el sistema socialista, así como la dignidad del pueblo solo es viable cuando se deshace de las ilusiones de toda índole sobre el capitalismo y cuando se intensifica la lucha antimperialista.

EE.UU. se equivoca del Partido Comunista de Cuba y pueblo cubano que, con su indoblegable convicción y voluntad, han sabido conquistar con sangre la causa socialista y salirse adelante con firmeza enfrentando todas las dificultades en medio de las sanciones y bloqueo del imperio en estos largos tiempos.

Nosotros, los Partidos comunistas y obreros, valorando altamente la disposición del Partido Comunista de Cuba de salvaguardar, cueste lo que cueste, la soberanía y dignidad de la nación y el socialismo haciéndose frente con firmeza las pretensiones subversivas de EE.UU., expresamos nuestra solidaridad intacta con el Partido Comunista de Cuba.

Denunciamos y rechazamos categóricamente el inhumano bloqueo y sanciones de EE.UU. y demandamos firmemente el levantamiento de todas las sanciones y el bloqueo que privan al pueblo cubano de sus derechos a existir y de desarrollo.

Nuestro apoyo y solidaridad con el Partido, Gobierno y pueblo cubano en su lucha por la defensa y el desarrollo de la causa socialista serán constantes.


Solidarity Resolution by Communist and Workers’ Parties in Support of the Struggle of the Communist Party of Cuba

The imperialists are becoming more blatant in their attempts to topple the socialist system in Cuba.

The recent anti-government protests in Cuba are a product of the relentless maneuvers against the country staged by the US over a long period of time to obliterate the Cuban revolution.

Since the victory of the Cuban revolution, the US has committed ceaseless acts of military intervention, subversion and sabotage as well as economic blockade against Cuba under its scheme to stifle the first socialist country in the Western hemisphere by all means.

Lately, the US, in collusion with a handful of counter-revolutionary elements in Cuba, has been doggedly resorting to psychological conspiracy warfare and tactics of social disruption in order to undermine people’s faith in the Communist Party and socialist system, and create and aggravate political instability in the country.

The reality shows that “peaceful co-existence” the US advocates is only a sly trick to find an easy way of fulfilling their aggressive ambition by instilling illusions about capitalism into anti-imperialist and independent countries.

The nature of imperialism never changes.

The lessons of history testify that we can defend the gains of revolution, socialist system and people’s dignity only when we do not indulge in any kind of fantasy about imperialism, but constantly intensify the struggle against it.

The US is terribly mistaken about the unyielding faith and will of the Communist Party and people of Cuba who had opened up their way to the socialist cause with their blood and have stood strong and pulled through the protracted sanctions and blockade imposed by the imperialists and all other hardships.

Communist and Workers’ Parties greatly appreciate the will of the Communist Party of Cuba to protect the sovereignty and dignity of the country and defend the socialist system to the end, resolutely opposing the vicious attempts of the US to topple its system, and we express strong solidarity with the Communist Party of Cuba.

Communist and Workers’ Parties oppose and condemn in the strongest terms the immoral US sanctions and blockade against Cuba and demand that all sanctions and blockade which violate the Cuban people’s rights to existence and development be lifted.

Communist and Workers’ Parties will consistently and actively support and encourage the struggle of the Communist Party of Cuba and the Cuban government and people to firmly defend and advance the cause of socialism.


  1. Communist Party of Argentina
  2. Communist Party of Armenia
  3. Communist Party of Australia
  4. Communist Party of Azerbaidjan
  5. Democratic Progressive Tribune, Bahrain
  6. Communist Party of Bangladesh
  7. Workers’ Party of Bangladesh
  8. Communist Party of Belarus
  9. Brazilian Communist Party
  10. Communist Party of Brazil
  11. Communist Party of Britain
  12. New Communist Party of Britain
  13. Communist Party of Bulgaria
  14. Party of the Bulgarian Communists
  15. Colombian Communist Party
  16. People’s Vanguard Party, Costa Rica
  17. Socialist Workers’ Party of Croatia
  18. Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
  19. Communist Party of Denmark
  20. Communist Party in Denmark
  21. Egyptian Communist Party
  22. Unified Communist Party of Georgia
  23. German Communist Party
  24. Communist Party of Greece
  25. Hungarian Workers’ Party
  26. Communist Party of India (Marxist)
  27. Communist Party of India
  28. Communist Party of Kurdistan-Iraq
  29. Communist Party of Israel
  30. Communist Party (Italy)
  31. Italian Communist Party
  32. Jordanian Communist Party
  33. Communist Party of Kazakhstan
  34. Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan
  35. Workers’ Party of Korea
  36. Lao People’s Revolutionary Party
  37. Lebanese Communist Party
  38. Communist Party of Malta
  39. Communist Party of Mexico
  40. Popular Socialist Party of Mexico
  41. Party of Communists of Republic of Moldova
  42. Communist Party of Norway
  43. Communist Party of Pakistan
  44. Palestinian Communist Party
  45. Party of the People, Panama
  46. Paraguayan Communist Party
  47. Peruvian Communist Party
  48. Philippine Communist Party [PKP-1930]
  49. Communist Party of Poland
  50. Portuguese Communist Party
  51. Romanian Socialist Party
  52. Communist Party of the Russian Federation
  53. Russian Communist Workers’ Party
  54. Communist Party of Soviet Union
  55. Union of Communist Parties-CPSU
  56. New Communist Party of Yugoslavia
  57. Communists of Serbia
  58. Communist Party of Slovakia
  59. South African Communist Party
  60. Communist Party of Spain
  61. Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain
  62. Communist Party of Sri Lanka
  63. Communist Party of Swaziland
  64. Communist Party of Sweden
  65. Syrian Communist Party
  66. Syrian Communist Party (Unified)
  67. Communist Party of Tadjikistan
  68. Communist Party of Turkey
  69. Communist Party of Ukraine
  70. Union of Communists of Ukraine
  71. Communist Party of Uruguay
  72. Communist Party USA
  73. Communist Party of Venezuela

Other Parties

  1. Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
  2. Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist)
  3. Communist Revolutionary Party of France
  4. The Communist League Finland
  5. Communist Party of Germany
  6. Communist Party of Mauritius
  7. National Socialist Party, Romania
  8. Communist Party (Switzerland)
  9. Socialist Workers Party, USA

http://solidnet. org

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